The Akwesasne Cornwall Stormont Dundas Glengarry (ACSDG) Situation Table is a diverse gathering of human service professionals trained to collaborate in a weekly process of risk detection, disciplined information-sharing and rapid intervention. Our focus is on mobilizing service access and support sooner than conventional crisis response pathways allow. Our goal is to identify and mitigate elevations in risk before harm occurs. A “Situation” may pertain to a single individual suffering the onslaught of multiple risk factors; it may also pertain to something that is happening to a whole family, or a group of people.
The Table is made up of a core group of primary agencies representing social services, police/justice, health services and education. Ad-hoc agencies are called upon on a case by case basis to provide additional support to the primary agencies at the table when required.
The ACSDG Situation Table was officially launched on May 2, 2017. At the weekly Situation Table meetings, agencies are given the opportunity to share a situation involving an individual, family, group or place they feel is at imminent risk of falling into crisis. The conversation is guided through a specific and intentional process that asks if the professionals around the Table feel there is the possibility of increased risk to the individual or family. As the group agrees to this risk, agencies that are able to assist with the intervention are determined including a lead agency to guide the intervention. Additional information about the situation is shared only with those agencies selected to assist the individual/family.
At subsequent meetings of the Situation Table, the lead agency reports back to the group regarding the conclusion of the intervention; for example, whether risk was lowered because an individual was connected to services or whether it should remain at acutely elevated risk due to further interventions needing to occur.
To learn more about the CSDG Situation Table, please read our 2021-2022 ACSDG Situation Table Annual Report found here.
Previous reports: